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Comment count is 9
simon666 - 2019-05-02

Surprised, not surprised?

Two Jar Slave - 2019-05-02

Wow, I mean, gosh. Like, phsaw! Right? Who knew this sort of thing even happened! Shooting up a synagogue -- it's like, it's like, golly! Hate crimes?! Golly! Anyhoo, we're making a killing selling weapons to Japan.

Raggamuffin - 2019-05-02

drink if he says that "all crimes are hate crimes"

SolRo - 2019-05-02

I had such a strong urge to spam "BUT ALL LIVES MATTER!" to every fucking 'no religious people/places of worship should ever be attacked' headline the last week.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-05-03

I listened to this when it was it was in the hopper. I'm going to unenthusiastically defend President Leatherface on this one. "Apparently a hate crime" is a reasonable thing to say in this situation, when obviously, it is a hate crime, but there's been no information from the authorities on the scene.

Trump has some problems with this sort of thing. Trump lies so much that you always assume that He's lying, even when he isn't.Part. of his problem is that he wings it. At a moment of national emergency, its okay to read a prepared statement. But apparently his office isn't set up for that, so he improvises. He wimds up saying "apparently a hate crime". Over and over, which sounds weirdly defensive. He wants to male sure we're all aware that Donald J.Trump knows what a hate crime is. Of course, he's probably worried that the perp'a apartment will turn out to be a. showplace of merchandise from MAGA.com

cognitivedissonance - 2019-05-03

I love you, Joho, but you’re out of touch. Anything and everything Trump says is ALWAYS cravenly cynical and self-serving, no matter what it might be. If he says the sky is blue, you need to be dubious.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-05-03

I'm sorry, did I forget to mention that trump is always cravenly cynical and self serving? If so, the omission was not intentional. Let's just assume in the future that's always part of the subtext.

And I love you, too. Also in the subtext.

animegurl1000 - 2019-05-03

"Anything and everything Trump says is ALWAYS cravenly cynical and self-serving, no matter what it might be."

This but unironically.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-05-03

Well, let's give the devil his due. Apparently, it WAS a hate crime!


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