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Desc:The first four minutes is enough for anyone.
Category:General Station
Tags:Star Wars, nothing but star wars, All these Star Wars, Disneys BRAND NAME, Jesus these Star Wars
Submitted:Hugo Gorilla
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Comment count is 25
Marlon Brawndo - 2019-10-25

I only saw this trailer for the first time yesterday and my exact reaction was "That's it?"

It is so unimpressive and brings out zero emotion in me. Which is weird, because Episode 7 actually left me with a warm feeling.

BHWW - 2019-10-25


Chicken the Did - 2019-10-25

Trailer looks good. Didn't really get emotional especially at the 'tear jerky' C-3PO part just because Anthony Daniels is a Euclid Class twat. But should be a fun experience. Hell, I even enjoyed Episode 8. Because fuck you. :D

Nominal - 2019-10-25

The Last Jedi was amazing for nothing else in just how efficiently it killed off every possibly interesting plot point this trilogy could have had.

Maggot Brain - 2019-10-25

idk I'm probably the only person who thought the Last Jedi ended in an interesting place. With in the course of a week the first order went from over throwing the New Republic and having a missive fleet to being able to launch only a hand full AT-ATs to take down a Rebel cell and failing miserably.

I was hopping that this last movie would be about the power vacuum that would occur after the fall of the NR and the FO but it looks like we're getting an extended fetch quest.

Mister Yuck - 2019-10-25

Killed off every obvious hook Abrams left lying around, you mean. I appreciated Rian Johnson shitting all over Abrams's writing that way. It made it really obvious that no one involved in these movies is making them because they have a story that they want to tell.

Unfortunately, that includes Johnson. His desperation to do something original actually made for a worse movie than Abrams's formulaic hackery. I think the two movies really sum up what's possible when you're making a Star Wars movie: you can remake the originals or you can make a mess.

Xenocide - 2019-10-25

I loved The Last Jedi because it was the first Star Wars movie since Empire that felt like it actually had something to say besides "here's more Star Wars." The way it euthanized every generic fanfiction-teir cliche plot hook that Abrams had set up was beautiful. Every single plotline that Johnson killed was just something recycled from a previous Wars movie. They're better off without them.

Of course, the backlash against it proved a couple a things: One, there's a small faction of Star Wars fans who only want generic fanfic-tier plot hooks and who are offended by new ideas, and two, no matter how hard that faction tries they can't stop this movie from outgrossing all their nostalgic faves.

Anyway, it'll be fun watching this billion-dollar game of Exquisite Corpse reach its conclusion as Abrams desperately tries to write his way around all the much better plotlines Johnson generously gifted him (or actually gifted to Colin Treverrow before he got fired.)

Chicken the Did - 2019-10-25

Xeno, my favorite thing was how it showed that the First Order and even the Galactic Empire were symptoms and not the disease. That even if you took them both out of the equation the deep, underlying problems that LED to these regimes just taking advantage of the situation would just see another rise and fill the void. Problems don't magically go away when you blow up random super weapons or throw an old man down a hole. That was pretty nuanced and neat.

SolRo - 2019-10-25

What problems? Space minorities?

The first order has no ideology or origin story. They steal babies to make an army to “take over the world”. They’re the most basic, cliched interpretation of ‘dark side is evil for because evil is fun’.

They’re space nazis in almost every use of iconography possible but without the toxic ideology that might prevent merch sales.

Maggot Brain - 2019-10-26


I really wish Luke would have just yelled at Rey "The Jedi were child abducting pedos!"

Nominal - 2019-10-26

Totalitarian dictatorships aren't solved by the dictator dying? Wut?

Nominal - 2019-10-26

Plinkett was right in that it would have been 5000 times more interesting if the movie had ended the instant Kylo offered Rei to join him.

Instead it just went back to being cartoonishly evil, killing of Skywalker anti-climatically, and an end with no possibilities.

I think the Redletter predictions video got it exactly right and that Abrams is going to pull a time travel solution out of his ass for the final movie, just like he's done for EVERYTHING he's ever done when written into a corner.

Maggot Brain - 2019-10-26

It's not even that the movie should have ended there~ So, Kylo's big plan was to use his pick-up artist on Rey? The big down fall of that scene is that Kylo offers nothing to Rey when by all accounts he should know Rey well enough to offer up something a little more tangible. Like~ "Hey, Rey. You need to forget about all this Jedi shit and come with me to train my army of force troopers." Something- Anything!

yogarfield - 2019-10-25

Four minutes? I turned it off at four seconds.

Mister Yuck - 2019-10-25

I'm down for euthanizing this guy.

Old_Zircon - 2019-10-26

Kill all nerds.

Nominal - 2019-10-26

An advance screening of the next Star Wars trailer will be the reward for stepping into the Soylent Green suicide booth.

Xenocide - 2019-10-25

He's just excited that they finally made a Star Wars movie that takes place in space.

crasspm - 2019-10-25

is this one of those "numales"?

Old_Zircon - 2019-10-26

If I was a Youtuber I'd cry, too.

BHWW - 2019-10-26

While there are a lot of Star Wars reaction videos where the people are reacting in an overly exaggerated manner for views there are reactions from people like this man that seem genuine and that's even worse. Nobody should get this emotional over mass-produced corporate slop.

Old_Zircon - 2019-10-28

It's even sadder when you look at his subscription count and upload schedule and realize he's probably working 10 hours a day 7 days a week on his channel and is lucky if he makes even a lower middle class income from it.

Old_Zircon - 2019-10-28

The most optimistic SocialBlade estimate is $12,240.00 annual ad revenue

He's currently making $25/month on Patreon

So it's worse than I thought.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2019-10-26

Star Wars kid is all grown up, sort of!

betamaxed - 2019-10-26

Until Disney recognizes the Ewok TV specials as canon and puts out a movie about an adult aged Cindel, I'm not going to give any of their star wars movies the time of day.

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