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Desc:She criticized Jimmy Kimmel for taking time off from his show to care for his child
Category:Humor, Educational
Tags:idiot, oops, Foot-in-Mouth Disease, Kat Timpf, Greg Gutfeld
Submitted:Binro the Heretic
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Comment count is 8
The Mothership - 2020-06-23

I call false flag. She knew exactly what she was saying so it would get her attention.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2020-06-23

Sort of true if your cat happens to be a Siamese.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-06-23

Okay, why do we have comedians on news channels anyway? The same sort of trainwreck happens when CNN interviews Kathy Griffin.

exy - 2020-06-23

What news channel?

Pillager - 2020-06-23

Blame the Jon Stewart Show.

Binro the Heretic - 2020-06-24

Stewart's program was on a comedy network. He NEVER pretended it was anything other than entertainment.

This show is on a so-called "news" network.

If they're going to focus on being entertainment, then they need to change their god-damned name to FOX Jokes or some shit.

giygusattack - 2020-06-24

"Wait, you mean TV news is entertainment!?"

*cocks gun "Always has been."

mon666ster - 2020-06-26

Is that Broadus Clay?

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