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Comment count is 14
Mister Yuck - 2020-07-28

This guy is seriously risking his life. Good on him. Fucking hero.

betabox - 2020-07-28

We need more heros. I honestly wish we didn't, but it's clear that we do.

SolRo - 2020-07-29

"fuck black lives. and I have black friends"

lady, I'm skeptical.

weird seeing all these racists driving around in Asian cars, one was even in a Prius! No standards among white trash these days, I swear.

Cena_mark - 2020-07-29

Back in the 90s I remember my Steubenville relatives shitting on foreign made cars, but they all drive them now. They've been watching Fox News for decades and have lost their class consciousness.

SolRo - 2020-07-30

Honestly it’s probably the economic reality of living in a stagnant republican shithole pegged near the federal minimum wage, where people live payday advance to payday advance (if they even have a job), that forced them to accept the reliability and fuel economy of Asian econo-cars over unreliable gas guzzling American landboats.

Binro the Heretic - 2020-07-29

I guess it's like in "They Live" and they're hypnotized to see "White lives don't matter" when they see a "Black Lives Matter" sign?

Hazelnut - 2020-07-30

I think you put your finger on it. They're unable to see race as anything other than us-versus-them. In their eyes respecting other people's lives must be an affront to their own.

Nominal - 2020-07-29

There's something utterly perfect about a McDonalds sign right under that billboard.

jangbones - 2020-07-29


ashtar. - 2020-07-30

weird how the "all lives matter I'm not racist actually democrats are the real racists they started the kkk" folks parrot almost exactly the same talking points as the out and out white power folks

Hazelnut - 2020-07-30

Yup. Same as the "Biden passed a crime bill in the early 90's" people somehow oddly never gave a damn about the crime bill until this year.

ashtar. - 2020-07-30

weird how I've blocked you and can't see your obsessive and value-less comments, but you keep responding to me anyway

Hazelnut - 2020-07-30

Yeah I've totally blocked you too Crackersmack

Jet Bin Fever - 2020-07-31

Hard to watch. 5 stars.

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