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Comment count is 11
Merzbau - 2007-06-13

So, so much is wrong with this- the early focus on the horrible donkey-thing's tits, the amazingly racist "black sheep" constantly trying to murder its blank-eyed zombie companions, the song itself- and what's up with the screens showing http://www.leekspin.com/ ? WHICH CAME FIRST? OH JESUS CHRIST, MY MIND ARE BROKE'D

ztc - 2007-06-13

Way to be too old to enjoy ringtone commercials, Merzbau.

Merzbau - 2007-06-13

BAH! Fool! Don't you see the Hollydollypocalypse is upon us?! Don't come crying to me when the streets are choked with corpses.

Xenocide - 2007-06-13

Leekspin came first. This thing is riding some coattails.

Shion - 2007-07-16

Somebody get that sheep a supportive undergarment.

Stog - 2007-06-13

Someone actually thought this needed a techno remix with a scary donkey

zatojones - 2007-06-13

I try to find Europe's casual racism to be quaint but I can never quite manage it.

Gaianna - 2007-06-14


Sudan no1 - 2007-06-14

Are you people incapable of recognizing evil?

athodyd - 2007-06-17

i am rent asunder with awed terror

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-12-07


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