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Desc:'...Channel 4 News obtained the database used by Trump's digital campaign team'
Category:News & Politics, Horror
Tags:racism, donald trump, channel 4 news, Cambridge Analytica, deterrence project
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Comment count is 18
Crackersmack - 2020-09-28

Trump is going to have to have a pretty good plan to reproduce the amount of Black voters that dropped out between 2012 and 2016.

SolRo - 2020-09-28

You seem to be part of the 2020 team

Nominal - 2020-09-29

Pushing the whole "super predator" thing, just like the official Trump campaign.

Genuinely meaning it, scorned Bern victim, or just trolling for the lulz, your just a shit human, Cracker.

Crackersmack - 2020-09-29

wait I'm a 'shit human' because Hillary Clinton is a racist?

Cena_mark - 2020-09-29

Well if you go on and on about Hillary Clinton being racist, while ignoring Trump and the RepubliKKKan Party's blatant racism, then yes.

Crackersmack - 2020-09-29

yes obviously Trump and Republicans are racist, just like the Clintons, and like pretty much every other wealthy and politically powerful white person in America

simon666 - 2020-09-29

Actually, the vote depression seems to be targeted towards Spanish speakers in this election in places like FL, but presumably also in AZ and NV.

simon666 - 2020-09-29

Why are you even talking about Hillary?

Crackersmack - 2020-09-29

I dunno, somebody randomly accused me of "pushing the whole super predator thing" which I haven't done since at least 2016 afaik, I can't think of anybody less relevant in 2020 than Hillary Clinton

Meerkat - 2020-09-29

I can.

Cena_mark - 2020-09-29

The difference between Dems and the GOP is while Dems jumped on the law and order politics in the 90s, the GOP are still on it, while the Dems have mostly moved on towards reform. Yes, Bided did his part on the 1994 Crime Bill, but Trump would sign a bill just like it today.

Crackersmack - 2020-09-29

nah, Dems are still on that law and order stuff, that's why you can't get them to say even the most mildly critical thing about police despite us all watching videos of cops going apeshit on protestors for like 6 months now

Hazelnut - 2020-09-29

Reminder not to engage with Crackersmack / Ashtar. He is a self admitted liar and troll who just wants to make you mad, cynical, and disengaged.


Gmork - 2020-09-30

which presidential ticket is hillary on again?

exy - 2020-09-28

Didn't CA basically reboot under some other name? "EmerData," looks like? I don't really remember their name popping up in the news. But shouldn't we assume this is all still going full-steam, which is why Fuckerberg remains mum?

exy - 2020-09-30

seriously, has anyone heard if these fucks are still rollin'? they have to be, right? mark my goddamn words.

exy - 2020-09-30


simon666 - 2020-09-30

I haven't heard of them still running an operation, but I think you're right, they have to be.

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