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Comment count is 9
Binro the Heretic - 2020-10-06

Van Halen was a source of internal conflict for me as a teen in the 1980s.

On the one hand, I loved the Hell out of it.

On the other hand, it was loved just as much by all the assholes & douchebags who made my life in high school a living nightmare.

GongWise - 2020-10-07

But this isn't Eddie Van Halen. You were drunk in high school.

The Mothership - 2020-10-06

Fun fact - Van Halen did the guitar solo on Michael Jackson's 'Beat It'.

Nominal - 2020-10-06

Until he got spooked by ghosts.


GongWise - 2020-10-07

I guess I'm the guy that has to point out that this is not Eddie Van Halen. This is Richie Sambora with Bon Jovi.

Old_Zircon - 2020-10-07


exy - 2020-10-07

5 for epic trollz

betamaxed - 2020-10-07

5 for those who passed the test.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2020-10-07

Oh shit! I can't believe Randy Rhoads is dead!

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