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Comment count is 17
Pillager - 2020-10-19

The price of not winning elections is to be ruled Stepford house judges.

godot - 2020-10-19

She''ll be confirmed, and the Affordable Care Act and Roe v. Wade are toast. The more lasting effects will be from the 6 justice majority eroding environmental regulation. I expect the toll attributable to the Trump administration will number in the 8 digits by late century.

exy - 2020-10-19

most boring apocalypse ever

jangbones - 2020-10-19

they might pretend to fail with Roe v. Wade, the party honestly does not care and abortion has proven to be an energizing issue to get rubes to vote GOP

but yes the ACA is toast, and watch out for even more insidious rulings, like cases that weaken the Chevron doctrine

Binro the Heretic - 2020-10-19

I think they know if they strike down Roe v Wade or the ACA, they'll rile up the voters.

The conservative judges are there for one thing and one thing only: To side with big business.

Nominal - 2020-10-20

But by then, protest voters will have finally SENT A MESSAGE to the Dems for unicorn candidates!

Hazelnut - 2020-10-19

Why do religious extremists always have dead soulless eyes? Why are they so plainly comfortable with lying?

exy - 2020-10-20

If they had souls to put behind their eyes they'd have left religion once they realized it was a sham. So there's a selection effect: these are the people trying to find the levers that operate the sham.

ashtar. - 2020-10-19

Love the senators collecting pwns for their highlight reels and then hugging it out across the isle after. Also love the zero procedural effort to actually delay this, despite it being the end of the world event that necessitated us voting for these lesser evil shit bags for the last 60 years.

"Sorry we can't do the thing that would help you and inconvenience our donors. But, you know, the court. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Expand the court? We hAvE tO ReSpEcT tHe InStiTuTion"

Hazelnut - 2020-10-19

Shut up Crackersmack

jangbones - 2020-10-19

any Dem that will not at least try to pack the court is simply unserious about legislating and ruling

reminder that FDR did not even have to pack the court, here merely threatened to do so and they fell in line and stopped legislating from the bench

ashtar. - 2020-10-20

I mean, yeah.

I would be very surprised if current Democratic leadership expanded the bench, but happily so.

SolRo - 2020-10-20

I can’t predict the future but it’s smart not to advertise any potential planned court packing to the voter base. The left and middle historically don’t pay attention and the right goes into a rabid frenzy over judicial appointments.

It is tactically wise to reduce republican voter enthusiasm and turnout if your objective is to take the senate and pack the court.

Crackersmack - 2023-10-19

hey Sol when are we packing that court?

SolRo - 2020-10-19

“Oh we forgot about that one. Tee-heeâ€

- 5/9 scotus after finding protesting not protected under the constitution

Nominal - 2020-10-20

Something that should be pounded home every time, but is never mentioned: this bitch only has TWO YEARS experience as a judge!

Remember when Obama's 9 years experience just weren't enough in 2008?

ashtar. - 2020-10-20

The supreme court is a political body. The only relevant qualifications are people's political affiliations. I'd would much prefer a justice who was a high school drop out who cared about people and workers to a person who went to Yale Law and had a bunch of experience but sided with big money and the religious right.

The GOP understands this. It's concerning that liberals don't.

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