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Comment count is 7
jangbones - 2021-07-01

I have seen numbers of dead Iraqis as low as 400k. Estimates top out around a million. For no reason.

Rumsfeld was more than just an architect of the Iraq monstrosity, he was also a terrible strategist who's wrong choices and sheer ineptitude led to even more death and suffering.

Truly a genocidal criminal for the ages, rivaling Kissinger.

ashtar. - 2021-07-01

Imagine how many Americans would be in the Hague if we were held to remotely the same standards we sometimes try to impose on the rest of the world.

Crackersmack - 2021-07-01

a trial of this guy in 2009 or 2010 could have been a healing moment and a time to reflect on the horror caused by the crimes of the Bush administration, we could have grown and progressed as a country, we could have righted some real wrongs in something almost resembling a timely manner

instead, Classy Barack wanted to be friends with the Republicans and show them how bipartisan and reasonable he was

ashtar. - 2021-07-02

No, listen, the republicans are actual literal nazis so you have no choice but to vote for the democrats, who will absolutely not hold them accountable in any way or otherwise treat them like you'd treat literal nazis.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2021-07-02

Shouldn't they soundtrack this with L.A. STYLE?

Old_Zircon - 2021-07-03

Only 40 years too late.

SolRo - 2021-10-06

“Only the good die young” is the most true phrase on so many levels

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