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Comment count is 4
themilkshark - 2021-08-14

Bud Light sucks, so this is appropriate.

I love Bull Terriers though

Nominal - 2021-08-14

Was it supposed to be a bonus throw back "tribute" to wholesale rip off the "ghost of christmas present trivia game" scene from Scrooged?

themilkshark - 2021-08-15

Yes, reference humor is what people do now

Boomer The Dog - 2021-08-18

Ebenezer Spuds, gotta be Superbowl and I think it must be because of the suggested videos at the end.

That ad's all right, and something different to be sure, and if I'd have been watching the Bowl and it came on without warning, I would have been blindsided and immediately ask friends, did you see that, they just had Spuds!

I can tell that's a newer commercial, even by just hearing the guy's voice audio with that clipped sound that's common today. In later years of Dog With A Blog, Stan was sounding like that too. Sorry, dog's ears.

I hope they just out and out bring back Spuds again, 7th generation Spuds with all the CGI effects of today. I thought it was funny how Spuds asked the dude to open the box and said "No thumbs" but then Spuds himself was hoisting one.

Someone mentioned how they love Bull Terriers. I think Spuds commercials are where I learned about the breed. People thought he was a Pit Bull, no no no.


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