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Comment count is 14
snothouse - 2021-12-05

Something about a British announcer really brings a "human zoo" feeling.

teethsalad - 2021-12-05

a sea of red flags

five 'fer evil. perfectly fine with kinkshaming the fuck outta this

yogarfield - 2021-12-05

These people are fucking disgusting.

Out of curiosity, I checked to see if Pamperchu had died. He said he got cancer after microwaving, chewing and wearing used diapers he found in dumpsters.

Nope, he's still alive. Recently uploaded a video of him taking a drill to wet diapers and centrifuging them into goo. That's not a kink; that's a mental illness.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-12-06

>>>Out of curiosity, I checked to see if Pamperchu had died. He said he got cancer after microwaving, chewing and wearing used diapers he found in dumpsters.

So the score is CANCER 0

Quad9Damage - 2021-12-07

The DDLG people as a whole are gross because they often act it out 24/7 and will even take it into public.

This is also the line where I suddenly turn into a "conservative" asshole again. Because the vibe I get from the video is that we are supposed to accept this and tolerate it, and also this is why the 'Dislike' counter was disabled on YouTube.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-12-05

When life imitates Tim and Eric.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-12-06

Could also see it with Bob Odenkirk as the husband, and David Cross as the wife.

The Mothership - 2021-12-06

Something clicked in my head.

radiosquido - 2021-12-06

This is the Evil in Portal of Evil.

Nominal - 2021-12-06

Nothing quite infuriates me like boring people aggressively forcing a "wacky" personality for attention.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2021-12-06

Okay, is there anything more tragically hipster than spending so much time being infuriated that being infuriated has actually become boring, and one can be infuriated and bored at once?

I think I am neither infuriated nor bored. Probably because I watched it on mute.

themilkshark - 2021-12-06

I think that man looks older than 35, and his woman is scary looking regardless of her creepy lifestyle.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2021-12-06

I was gonna say. I'm not one to go after a person for the looks that they were born with, but she is really something else.

Quad9Damage - 2021-12-07

They both look 57. Also possibly on meth.

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