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Comment count is 9
The Mothership - 2022-01-20

OK. Some good scares.

yogarfield - 2022-01-20

Five glorious stars for every time I've already seen this in my recommended feed and not watched it. Lazy digging.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-01-20

Good. Making the mundane creepy like David Lynch. Like a bad trip. It took me a while to cog it was all CGI.

Binro the Heretic - 2022-01-20

This is also a game you can get on Steam.

radiosquido - 2022-01-20

Feels kinda House of Leaves. Enjoyed it.

rural - 2022-01-21

Why not just entitled it Huis Clos? Also: I feel like this is a very, very, believable imagining of hell.

Binro the Heretic - 2022-01-21

It's not supposed to be Hell. The backstory is it's a parallel dimension.

People can sometimes accidentally enter it by passing through the wrong door at the wrong time or even by "noclipping" through walls or floors.

It's unclear if the hostile creatures are native to The Backrooms, creatures from other dimensions trapped in The Backrooms or even humans that have been warped and twisted after being trapped in The Backrooms.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2022-01-21

"this is a very, very, believable imagining of hell."

Blessed solitude.
Exploration and mystery.
Cool architectural spaces.
Exciting monster chase.

Definitely not hell for me.
Hell would be boring + would involve other people. Maybe like school or prison.

jangbones - 2022-01-21

yeah I am with PQE, as soon as I could find a place in there where no one would bother me, I am never leaving

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