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Desc:Later found with eyes and genitals removed.
Category:Religious, Horror
Tags:Illuminati, freemasons, secret society
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Comment count is 3
Gmork - 2022-09-01

"expected a room full of satanists"

Really? Because they're pretty famously Christian-themed plus a bunch of other goofy bullshit. Does this guy walk into a freezer expecting heat?

cognitivedissonance - 2022-09-03

There was a whole tempest in a teapot about Wiccans joining a lodge in Florida. The Grand Master sent out a snippy little letter saying they weren't allowed to join. The Freemasons of Washington state invited them over and did all their initiations, and now Florida is stuck with dealing with them.

cognitivedissonance - 2022-09-01

I got to Master Mason before the 2016 election happened, I looked around, and felt I was no longer comfortable sitting with a bunch of old rich guys.

There are no secrets left in the organization. Everything you need to know about Freemasonry is available in any well-stocked public library, and you'll save yourself a ton of money and drama.

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