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Comment count is 9
SolRo - 2023-12-05

Bibi and friends probably profiting off of attacks

Unknown traders appear to have anticipated October 7 Hamas attack, research finds

https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/04/business/some-traders-appea r-to-have-anticipated-october-7-hamas-attack-research-finds/index. html

Pillager - 2023-12-05

Really horrible things will result from this.

Binro the Heretic - 2023-12-05

This is like when people in ancient Greek myths & legends would dump people in the desert without food or water so as to avoid incurring the wrath of the Erinyes for committing familicide.

"Hey! _I_ didn't kill them. They died of exposure/starvation/dehydration."

"Hey! _WE_ didn't bomb that preschool. The AI selected that target."

SolRo - 2023-12-05

Could just be yet another layer of obfuscation to deny war crimes and make them palatable to western idiots

“Oh we didn’t mean to murder 10,000 women and children, the algorithm told us it was just terrorists down there!”

SolRo - 2023-12-05

And obviously “we will investigate ourselves and find no one should be held accountable”

cognitivedissonance - 2023-12-05

*better fix that picket fence, the chickens will get out*

Nominal - 2023-12-06


ashtar. - 2023-12-07

Man, what do you even say at this point?

SolRo - 2023-12-07

According to American media you should repeat isreali/aipac talking points to drown out daily reports of their war crimes

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