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Comment count is 3
Nominal - 2024-03-29

I once used a day off to get paid $70 to be an audience member of 2 back to back recordings of Let's Make a Deal.

I was put in the front 3 rows, because I'm pretty.
But that meant we got extra prodding from wranglers to constantly laugh and smile for the entire 4 hours.

5 hours total sitting in that studio, freezing our asses off because the air conditioning was cranked to max for the on stage talent under the lights.

5 hours of freezing with aching smile muscles listening to Howie for $70.

Fuck that show
Fuck him

Binro the Heretic - 2024-03-30

5 stars for the Chiodo Brothers.

casualcollapse - 2024-04-01

Bobby’s world already made me hate him enough

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