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Comment count is 4
Hooper_X - 2007-07-31

I would pay an unreasonable amount of money to see this done live.

simon666 - 2007-07-31

i would never pay money to see this, but michael jackson is always good in my book. he could rape babies for a i care...

KnowFuture - 2007-08-01

5 stars for rare post-whatever the fuck that album is that has that "Black or White" song on it, footage of Michael Jackson singing and dancing instead of dangling babies out the window or saying it's normal for a grown man to get in bed naked with 10-year-old boys that are also naked.

Also 1/2 of an invisible star for them attempting to sorta (except for that OPP business---I know that's where the sample in the song comes from but still, WTF) do some of their old Jackson 5 songs.

drcrypt - 2007-08-01

The audience reaction shots alone...

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