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Desc:Before MST3k, a young prop comedian wowed audiences with wacky inventions and a stoned demeanor.
Category:Humor, Classic TV Clips
Tags:80s, standup, John Candy, joel hodgson, prop comedian
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Comment count is 15
StanleyPain - 2007-09-20

I remember seeing this eons ago on Comedy Channel.

On a side note: why is it so many people can't properly format videos on Youtube?

Old_Zircon - 2007-09-21

Comedy Channel was amazing. It lost something when it became Comedy Central. Mainly, it lost the desperate lack of material and talent that led to endless repeats of Supercar.

Keefu - 2007-09-20

By day I'm a clever comic magician holding an ordinary radio, at night I become....Agent J.

kiint - 2007-09-20

joel rules

Samisyosam - 2007-09-20

When cousins, identical cousins are connected by the spine, a geneologist could lose his mind cause they're cousins and they're connected by that spiiiiiiine.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-09-20

Agent J is my hero.

KnowFuture - 2007-09-20

HOLY CRAP now I remember him from some early 80s SNL back when they used to have comics do stand-up on there, back when it was still LIVE...he totally did that Siamese twin doll bit on there. He also did the bit with the Invisible Man answering the phone.

Hooper_X - 2007-09-21

Oh man, I saw this on Comedy Channel too. I only barely remembered it.

It's not nearly as funny as I thought it was back then, for some reason.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-09-21


Kingofthehobos - 2007-09-26

Show me a mike nelson comedy special and ill be impressed!

bac - 2008-07-09

Toss yourself off with a ice cream scoop...mmm ice cream.

Calamity Jon - 2008-02-09

Ah, binary thinkers strike again!

Cleaner82 - 2008-07-28

Prop comedy is the stinking depth of all comedy.

This is the pinnacle of prop comedy, rendering it 'somewhat above average'.

Keefu - 2008-12-22

It's the deadpan delivery that makes it.

thebaronsdoctor - 2009-02-22

Oh, Joel!

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