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Desc:All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy All work and n
Category:Horror, Classic Movies
Tags:Stanley Kubrick, The Shining, Redrum, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
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Comment count is 9
Keefu - 2007-10-09

Did you know in the novel and the ABC mini-series that Danny gets attacked by hedge monsters?


Man Who Fights Like Woman - 2007-10-09

I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just gonna bash your brains in!

PurpleXVI - 2007-10-09

That series did at least a few things better than the original movie, though.

Were the hedge monsters in the book?

Innocent Bystander - 2007-10-09

Yes, but the hedge maze was a zillion times better. As a symbol as well as an actual element in the movie.

Also *SPOILER* in the book the black guy survives which sucked.

The only thing the series did better than the movie was that Jack didn't seem instantly insane but gradually got there.

I have also heard that there were German and French versions of all the typewritten pages in the German and French versions of the film.

Sean Robinson - 2007-10-09

God, has Shelley Duvall ever been sexier?

PlushJake - 2007-10-09

Ya dig those bat-swingin broads, eh? Yeah, League of Their Own was a real zinger.

Sean Robinson - 2007-10-09

Only if they're swingin' and cryin'.

Endoris - 2007-10-09

Feelin' fine.

Rudy - 2007-10-09

Sheesh. Guy just wants to talk about contractual law and child care issues - ends up getting a bat to the skull.


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