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Desc:We are mortal enemies but to survive we must become allies! Homoerotic, pedophilic, allies!
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Classic TV Clips
Tags:Transformers, dub, NAMBLA with robots, cliche, stupid ninja consultant tricks
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Comment count is 15
Hooper_X - 2007-10-09

I get this feeling like I've known you for a long time, it's really incredible, isn't it LITTLE BOY.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-10-09

Oh. well, I guess that answers my question. A bit.

Innocent Bystander - 2007-10-09

"What a joke this is hahaahahahaha."
"What's so funny?"
"Oh I dunno."

So this wasn't meant to be a comedy?

Mayberry Pancakes - 2007-11-04

"You want to destroy this planet?"

This sounds like neither of the actors speak any English whatsoever and are just pronouncing scripts written phonetically.

bizzaro - 2007-10-09

why does that robot sound like hannibal lectur?

Xiphias - 2007-10-09


Xenocide - 2007-10-09

They must work together, for neither of them can survive alone! The little boy needs the robot to protect him, and the robot needs the little boy to say creepy-as-fuck things to.

athodyd - 2007-10-09

One good thing about becoming a ninja consultant is that you develop really good people skills.

p.s.: his laugh is probably the best thing in the world, followed closely by the note of genuine confusion when he says "oh, I dunno."

A Jumping Spider! - 2007-10-09

"It's really incredible, isn't it... Little boy..."


anvill - 2007-10-09

Danny is being groomed.

Camonk - 2007-10-10

You guys seem to be missing the most confusing part: how is one robot hampered by a maiden-voiced little boy going to destroy a PLANET?

Also: Rainbow shield?

Billy Buttsex - 2007-10-10


I'll bet that robot transforms into a big white unmarked van

5 stars!

Afgh - 2007-10-12

I'm still waiting for one clip, just ONE CLIP from this show that is sort of competent.

Harveyjames - 2008-03-17

He sounds like Yahtzee.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-08-20

Once again, as hilariously creepy as this video is, even when you try to put it in the context of a kids cartoon from the 80s, all my stars go to the comments.

A big white unmarked van Decepticon had me in stitches. I think I ruptured my spleen.

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