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Desc:It's amazing how much a change in soundtrack can alter the emotional impact, huh?
Category:Science & Technology, Pets & Animals
Tags:cat, LSD, grocery bag, pynchon
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Comment count is 23
Xiphias - 2007-10-10

the clip was used in a documentary about pynchon, apparently. That's where this rip comes from.

It's one of those "I obsess about Pychon and search his garbage for clues. At least, I think it's his garbage" documentaries, too.

Anwyays, KITTIES =^_^=

Roachbud - 2007-10-10

Goddamn Kesey/Leary making LSD illegal

Xiphias - 2007-10-10

If it weren't for Kesey and Leary you probably wouldn't have ever heard of it.

Roachbud - 2007-10-10

Yeah but it would be legal, not that that's stopped me from trying it

EvilHomer - 2007-10-10

Fight the power, man!

x - 2007-10-10

What happened when you tried it?

Roachbud - 2007-10-10

I got fucked up for 12 hours, my friends smoked all of my weed (with me), I saw visuals but it was just light playing tricks. I also wanted to fight nature. Mescaline was cooler because I saw walls breathing and the shadow of an Indian standing next to a wolf, plus I made high pitch squealing noises for a few minutes.

Syd Midnight - 2007-10-10

If you increase the dose, that'll happen on LSD. Trust me.

baleen - 2007-10-10

I once did a bunch of acid and fucked a rock for about ten minutes. It was covered in perfect tits. It hurt my balls.

jihadbaby - 2007-10-10

Just as funny, except in the other video it seemed like mr fluffysocks was having a wacky good ol' time.

NineEleven - 2007-10-10


Keefu - 2007-10-10

Is that a wacked out, LSD nightmare version of Smoke on the Water playing?

Spastic Avenger - 2007-10-10

It's In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida by iron butterfly

William Burns - 2007-10-10

But it's The Residents version, from Third Reich N' Roll.

Syd Midnight - 2008-04-09

It's such a cliche, but "Yakkety Sax" is called for in this situation.

Mr. Quibble - 2007-10-10

It's a good thing I don't have a pet cat at the moment.

athodyd - 2007-10-10

It would appear my original hypothesis was incorrect.

Hooker - 2007-10-10

Party on, kitty.

Hooker - 2007-10-10

Also, anything with The Residents is actually a six.

Herr Matthias - 2007-10-11


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-10-13

I think it's safe to say that fluffysocks was TRIPPING BALLS DUDE.

Between this video and the zero-g windmill-in-midair kitty, I think we should get back to dosing chimps. :( Poor lil' felines, all confused and terrified.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2007-10-22

And just when I think Dr Lee PhD is coming to sedate the cat, he shows us its nightmarish face to communicate the MINDBENDING PSYCHIC TERROR and leaves it to continue freaking out.

Vicious - 2008-01-31


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