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Desc:A sample from the musical level, AKA the worst ordeal in video game history.
Category:Video Games, Horror
Tags:Disney, Japan, Squaresoft, incredibly ackward lyrics, dear god what were they thinking
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Comment count is 25
Caminante Nocturno - 2007-10-13

Chet, take note: This is exactly what Portal was missing.

cognitivedissonance - 2007-10-13

I hated it. I hated it beyond mortal reckoning. I went out immediately after this abortion, sold the disc back to Gamestop for cash and bought some inebriates.

Then I sawed off my thumbs just in case.

Xenocide - 2007-10-13

You didn't go far enough.

Adramelech - 2007-10-13

It was a long way to go just to show fangirls Sora as a merman.

garcet71283 - 2007-10-13


laurentauren - 2007-10-13

Oh crap, I hated these levels so much. So freakin' pointless. I wanted to stab my ears.

Jimmy Labatt - 2007-10-13

Five stars for sheer awfulness. That quit button at the end is telling.

EvilHomer - 2007-10-13

Sometimes I wonder why so many nerds go fag-eyed over this series. Then I see clips like this, and I realize I don't want to know the answer.

Adramelech - 2007-10-13

Combine as many fan fiction/insertion cliches and fantasy universes as possible and you're sure to hit something in every crowd.

Copyright laws are the only thing preventing a Harry Potter/The Matrix/Naruto/Lord of the Rings/Final Fantasy/Star Wars unification movie from becoming a record breaker.

Aubrey McFate - 2007-10-13

They made Donald a creepy-ass octopus hybrid. He's a goddamn duck. Why not make him a duck?

There is no reason for any of this.

Afgh - 2007-10-13

I am shocked because it's very uncharacteristic of Square to make a huge pile of retarded shit...

StanleyPain - 2007-10-13

I didn't play KHII but I would have quit here, no question.

Not KH1 wasn't without it's giant shit piles too.

Aelric - 2007-10-13

ugg. makes me glad i never bothered with these games.

Dr. Lobotomy - 2007-10-13

I like this. Makes my mind simply go "Murmaider, Murmaider, Murmaider, Murmaider, Murmaider, Murmaider." nonstop for the duration.

Dummy Rum - 2007-10-13

If I was that close to Ariel, the last thing I'd do is swim around like a faggy little fish.

Then again, if Futurama is any indication, there's really not much else you can do with a mermaid...

wtf japan - 2007-10-13

Mermaids have mer-mouths, don't they?

RomancingTrain - 2008-08-07

Mermen don't have merpenises, though.

baleen - 2007-10-13

I can't understand what the fuck this game is or what it's about but I it reminds me a lot of what it's like trying to fall asleep at 7am after coming down off of acid. Like, you know there's a game happening and it involves related but ridiculous graphical elements, but the game itself cannot be played, you just know you're doing something right because the music doesn't stop and "excellent!" keeps appearing in the air.

davinciclone - 2007-10-15

Share my pain, fuckers.

Aubrey McFate - 2007-10-19

I can't get this fucking song out of my head. It is aural cancer.

charmlessman - 2007-12-02

Ow. My brain.

Pacobird - 2007-12-06

needs a "finny fun" tag

Vicious - 2008-04-15

Even though I knew I was the only person in the house I was so ashamed to play these levels I spent several just staring at the floor every time.

major-_-turnon - 2009-03-27

Yeah after this one I just started muting the TV

Quad9Damage - 2008-07-28

The worst part is when Donald joins in on the singing. It's like choking to death on my own eyeballs.

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