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Desc:Bill Kristol, who is one of the major players in the group called PNAC, on the "Colbert Report".
Category:Classic TV Clips, News & Politics
Tags:colbert, Colbert Show, Kristol
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Comment count is 9
SonOfSlam - 2006-04-29

Why is it that "comics" are asking the questions that the "mainstream" press has ignored?

Ahriman the Creepy Lurker - 2006-04-29

Oh man, Kristol was dying out there. This clip just made my day.

xenocide - 2006-04-30

So it IS possible to rape someone using only words. Remarkable.

stanleypain - 2006-04-30


PrincessPeachesUnderpants - 2006-04-30

Wow. Reveals what a bunch of pussy ass, lap dogs our "real" media is.

enjoy - 2006-05-02

Remind me not to watch this show.

baleen - 2006-05-09

i thought you'd enjoy the smell of your own farts.

Xiphias - 2006-07-12

holy shit

Kapow - 2006-07-12

true is true

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