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Desc:Amazingly, this is a real product that can be bought in stores, and not a bad SNL sketch.
Category:Advertisements, Science & Technology
Tags:exercise, workout, obscene yet safe for work, cowgirls, disturbingly chiseled abs
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Comment count is 30
Hooper_X - 2007-11-29

Horse riding is great exercise, but it's not available to everyone!

This thing, on the other hand is just three hundred dollars! All the fun and excitement of straddling the dryer, in the privacy of your own living room!

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-11-29

I saw this thing in an anime full of fanservice, and I thought they'd just made it up to make the 9-year-old riding it look as dirty as possible. The fact that it's real makes it all so much worse.

Brautwurst_Barbarian - 2007-11-30



Aelric - 2007-11-30

all anime girls are nine years old

sosage - 2007-11-30

Link or it doesn't exist. Wait. Did you say 9 years old?!?

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-12-01


Don't worry, it's pretty early on, so you don't have to go through too much.

Also, I think she's actually eight years old. Do you want me to go check?

Jeff Fries - 2008-02-04

I hope I don't go to jail for watching that.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-12-19

Should I even ask why you're watching a show that tries to make 8 year olds look dirty?

waxeater - 2007-11-29

Girls who ride horses generally have wonderful asses. It is with that in mind that I five star this clip and fully endorse this product.

Hooper_X - 2007-11-29

I have to admit, as a fan of asses, I'm vaguely curious. But not 0 curious.

mouser - 2007-11-29

No. it's because they dont let lard asses ride horsies.

Bozo - 2009-06-19

I've had 2 horse riding girlfriends before, fantastic butts.

wtf japan - 2007-11-29

There's an electronics shop in the local mall that has a bunch of these for people to try in the window display. Invariably the only people who try them are little girls. Extremely disturbing, to say the least.

Sean Robinson - 2007-11-29

They had one of these in the Miami airport. It gave a fantastic workout and was a giving lover.

Menudo con queso - 2007-11-29

"Horse riding is great exercise" -- for the horse. Laziness was the reason people started riding them in the first place.

Gojira1000 - 2007-11-29

You've never actually ridden a horse, have you?

zatojones - 2007-11-29

It's just like riding a car made of hair and meat right?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-11-30

A car that will kick you in the spine if it's feeling a bit ill tempered. Horses are sort of like the bouncers of the animal kingdom.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-11-30

Could we not extend that sentiment to all ungulates?

sosage - 2007-11-30

Bouncers of the animal kingdom? I'll save my opinion on that for when an experienced bouncer has joined this discussion.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-08-10

But bouncers are already part of the animal kingdom?

SolRo - 2007-11-29

mainly because I imagined how many fat women will buy this, thinking it will make them look like the models.

Sudan no1 - 2007-11-29

fat people getting exercise? THE HORROR!

SolRo - 2007-11-29

well, you try imagining a 300lb woman stradling that poor machine.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-11-30

That's a hilarious mental image, you should have five-starred this.

cognitivedissonance - 2007-11-29

I don't entirely understand where the exercise aspect of it lies. Shouldn't you be doing... uh... something else?! Or have they discovered a totally George Jetson way to work out?

fluffy - 2007-11-29

It comes from having to actually maintain balance and stay upright. A lot of little motions are often more beneficial than a few big ones.

RomancingTrain - 2007-11-30

This is in Skymail catalog so I don't trust it.

FABIO2 - 2008-01-30

I'm guessing it's another one of those female masturbation devices that tries to pass itself off as an alternate legitimate use.

I call it "masturbation laundering".

oogaBooga - 2008-09-19

The only reason women ride them is because they secretly love getting their ass and vag pounded over and over again by a big sweaty meat monster.

I fucking hate horses.

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