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Desc:The only film ever shot in anamorphic duovision. You will need protective gear to watch this movie.
Category:Trailers, Horror
Tags:wicked wicked, duovision
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Comment count is 15
FABIO2 - 2007-12-05

So color came before sound eh?.........

Rovin - 2007-12-05

Well, if you had read your Calvin and Hobbes closer, you'd know thanks to Calvin's Dad that, in fact, the world really WAS black and white until sometime in the sixties.

baleen - 2007-12-05

There was tinting and um... Tinting.

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2007-12-05

From what a quick googling seems to tell me, the whole idea behind
"Duovision" was just a glorified split-screen ala "Time Code."

But lord how I miss hyperbolic trailer announcers that don't come from Asia. :(

Rovin - 2007-12-05

Fantastic example of cinema bullshit marketing. A simple split screen showing simultaneously occurring but different events on either side of the screen is given a glossy complicated name and sold as the next breakthrough in cinema technology. You don't need glasses, but you WILL need protective equipment.

Judging from that song, I'm guessing earplugs.

TheOtherCapnS - 2007-12-05

He's saying it requires special projection equipment. He never says anything about protective equipment...

Rovin - 2007-12-05

Well he should have.

bang to buck ratio - 2007-12-05


helicopter cats - 2007-12-05

Gee, I wonder why MGM went bankrupt in the late 60's...

Billy the Poet - 2007-12-05

I would have been perfectly willing to buy this as a "Kentucky Fried Movie" type parody.

Spider Jerusalem - 2007-12-05

what the FUCK is that dance in the lounge act

Maggot Brain - 2007-12-05

Hey, it's the Hotel Del.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-12-05

The guy that smashed through the window did a pretty good job of doing a cannonball.

Blaise - 2007-12-05

Looks like he missed the window a little bit going in and banged up his left shoulder.

But after that though it was net all the way.

bavariankumquat - 2008-03-29

I have to see this movie, if for nothing else for the wonderfully awful themesong.

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