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Comment count is 60
theFlu - 2007-12-28

Andy Warhol's corpse just came a little

Aernaroth2 - 2007-12-28

This is what PoeTV is here for.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-12-28

That worked better than it should have. Far, far better.

Thundercougarfalconbird - 2007-12-28

shit bricks.

NineEleven - 2007-12-28


Squeamish - 2007-12-28

This is what nightmares sound like.

kingarthur - 2007-12-28

Yes. Oh god, yes.

Spike Jonez - 2007-12-28

Tales From The Rick Side

coprolalia - 2007-12-28

There is a planet out there where everything sounds like this.

I want an mp3 of this.

GoodAaron - 2007-12-28


athodyd - 2007-12-28

This works so much better than it has any right to.

Unmerciful Crushing Force - 2007-12-28

Does this qualify as psychological warfare?

1394 - 2007-12-28

45 at 33.

a flaming monkey - 2007-12-29

Finally serial killers have something to rock out to.

oogaBooga - 2009-05-07

No theyve been rocking out to goodbye horses a lot longer.

Brautwurst_Barbarian - 2007-12-29

There is no god.

andru strange - 2007-12-29

FUCK YEEAAA!!! do it again! eviler! faster!

StanleyPain - 2007-12-29


CuteLucca - 2007-12-29

God. They need to do this to every song ever.

1394 - 2007-12-29

Isn't there a pitch control in winamp?

Udderdude - 2007-12-29


Monchiles Monchiles - 2007-12-29

Someone find a way to download this. Now.

Xenocide - 2007-12-29


a flaming monkey - 2007-12-29

It'll be in your temporary internet folder.

Xenocide - 2007-12-29

When you die, this is what you see. Forever.

AdamOfEden - 2008-01-03

i'm not sure i'm ready for that.
i wish i was though.

Testicles of Doom - 2007-12-29

When it shows a close up of his face as he smiles, I actually shit myself.

Ersatz - 2007-12-29

Are the sound and color messed up for anybody else?

Enjoy - 2007-12-29

Not for me. I downloaded MegamanX Codec Extreme Pack with 500 codecs and 50 plugins and now everything plays. It also adds two minutes to your boot up time and fills your tray with icons but it's worth it to play every video perfectly.

Aelric - 2007-12-29

this isn't about the video anymore, is it?

glendower - 2007-12-29

WOW, totally evil. I wonder if this was the original Astley video, but the man made him tone it down for mainstream audiences. Sounds more disturbing than Whitehouse.

Phusis - 2007-12-29

Bill Hicks was right all along.

Blaise - 2007-12-29

Almost as annoying as the original song.

citrusmirakel - 2007-12-29

I do believe I laughed for about two minutes straight. Then I immediately became depressed after reading Xenocide's comment. Five stars for mood swings!

coprolalia - 2007-12-30

Glad I wasn't the only one genuinely creeped out by that one.

Camonk - 2007-12-29

By the end, I really, genuinely enjoyed it.

MightierThanTheSword - 2009-04-20

You made it to the end?

Operation Cornflakes - 2007-12-29

The power of Christ compels you!

Corman's Inferno - 2007-12-29

H.P. Lovecraft Presents the Blue Man Group.

Ursa_minor - 2007-12-29

I really thought this was not going to make me laugh at all.

Angel Carver - 2007-12-31


Beyonce Knowles - 2007-12-31

Ah yes, this must be the V/VM remix.

tamago - 2008-01-03

If this and Spengbab ever had a baby, the world would be sucked into a vortex of unimaginable horror.

tamago - 2008-01-04

This dude did the same thing to Chocolate Rain:


And whatever the fuck this is:


Pie Boy - 2008-01-05

In the hopper right now.

tamago - 2008-01-04

Oh my god play this and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q0n0ziT9EM
at the same time

Hooper_X - 2008-01-05

Strangely enough, that's EXACTLY what it sounds like when I try to sing it.

Shackimus Prime - 2008-01-05

lol pitchshifter

Gojira1000 - 2008-01-10

Now, if we could get that fucking Russian starling to try and mimic this, the final seal will shatter.

afp3683 - 2008-01-12

I've laughed harder to this than anything else I've seen on poeTV or youtube.

Hugo Gorilla - 2008-01-21

I fear what alternate Universe this originates from and the eventual invasion.

Merzbau - 2008-01-26


Ahriman the Creepy Lurker - 2008-02-12


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-02-23

The living will envy the dead!

RomancingTrain - 2008-02-27

The '80's cinematography accurately simulates what I have always imagined hell to be like.

dreamvigile - 2008-07-02

So it really IS true satanic messages are hidden in rock songs!

Laughed so hard my belly hurt.

kennydra - 2008-07-05

The greatest thing ever.

pastorofmuppets - 2008-12-10

I have forced myself to sit through many of these now, and I came back to tell everyone that "Forever Scared" is by far the creepiest.


kingofthenothing - 2009-02-07

Yeah, there's tons of these, they're all amazing, but I think you're right on this one. Rod Stewart's actual voice can be heard if you listen hard enough.

The Milli Vanilli video was a close second.

ashtar. - 2010-04-09

bizzaro rick astley am going to give you up
bizzaro rick astley am going to let you down

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