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Comment count is 6
Binro the Heretic - 2007-12-25

I saw this as one of those late night "creature feature" movies that used to come on the local stations in the days before cable television.

I remember being greatly disappointed they hadn't shown a Godzilla movie instead.

dead_cat - 2007-12-26

Yeah, I don't know how this movie happened either. When someone described it to me, it sounded like it had all the right pieces to have turned out a reasonably fun bad monster movie -- BUT NO.
It's a fucking trainwreck with one memorable scene - the woman who strips down to her skeleton during one of the crappy musical interludes.

zurvan - 2007-12-25

I thought it was going to be "Monster Squad." :\

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-12-25


B. Weed - 2007-12-26

I like Vincent Price.
I like John Carradine.
I like the short stories of R. Chetwynd-Hayes.

This movie's pretty weak, though.

Spit Spingola - 2007-12-26

I know this movie is shit but plus five stars because Donald Pleasence is in it.

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