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Desc:A guy takes a shot to the nuts with a tennis ball to help someone learn something about something.
Category:Science & Technology, Stunts
Tags:testicles, idiocracy, ouch my balls, tennis ball, adrenaline
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Resubmit:Comrade Admiral

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Comment count is 16
halon - 2008-02-26

ignore the entry in the hopper; that was mine (and it's messed up)

Udderdude - 2008-02-26

Dramatic music + tennis ball to the nuts.

Smellvin - 2008-02-26

The slow-mo and the multiple angles make this video.

If you want aerobic fitness, you don't have to do any running, stair stepping, or swimming. Just have someone shoot tenis balls at your nads.

Doctor Arcane - 2008-02-26

Wait, my heart beat reaches 180 running all the time. Am I going to die?

Doctor Arcane - 2008-02-26

Answering my own question: It's quite simple, but unfortunately it's not accurate for everyone. American sports scientists have modified the basic formula to allow for gender: 214-(0.8 x age) for men, and 209-(0.9 x age) for women. However, this still gives a generalised result.

And maxing it out is good for you, provided you're not ill/injured/a/ gimp

zatojones - 2008-02-26


Screwtape - 2008-02-26

Punch yourself in the balls next time you're running. Note the results down in your copy book and let us know how it turns out.

dr tits - 2010-01-14

look around you...

look around you...

what do you see?
that's right... sports science.

3:35 alone makes the video...
but i hate sports and the fact that they have a show aimed at dumbing down science for the little boy brains that watch this crap.

joyofdiscord - 2008-02-26

"We got amazing science out of this."

Maybe if they'd used a baseball, they would have gotten even more science out of it.

TeenerTot - 2008-02-26

I always considered myself above finding humor in "object to the groin" humor.
Boy was I wrong.

love - 2008-02-26

definitely what we need more of

seriouslyuguys - 2008-02-26

Between the slow-mo and the guy cracking up after saying "little tiny area," I'd say this is deserving of 5 stars.

Comrade Admiral - 2008-02-26


commandocucumber - 2009-01-04

"you'll be glad to know we got amazing footage and amazing science out of this...so you won't have to do this again..."

"that's nice."

kwash - 2009-10-11

I love how it hits his left one so solidly.

Jaguar Wong - 2010-02-14

Needs the "SFW Fetish Week" tag.

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