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Desc:she responds by displaying video comments...oh it's on now!
Category:News & Politics, Horror
Tags:sandy davis, shut-in, barack obama bin laden, trainables
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Comment count is 88
baleen - 2008-03-01


love - 2008-03-01


Honest Abe - 2008-03-01


StanleyPain - 2008-03-01

Christianity is stupid. Communism is good. Give up. Give up.

Stog - 2008-03-01

Sandy Davis loves to fuck tiny dogs.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-03-01

Let us gather our coven of lesbian Muslim witches together so we can have abortions and Pina Coladas as we plot to tear down America. Hitler > Jesus.

Glad I could help out Sandy.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-03-01

Let her shriek. In less than a year, this country will be ours, and pitiful whelps like her will be just a humorous memory.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-03-01

It is my right as a megacommunist to eat children and collect their bones for the manure on my collective farm.

voodoo_pork - 2008-03-01


Keefu - 2008-03-01

All this attention only helps to fuel Comrade POETV's cause.

RockBolt - 2008-03-01


LetsFistAgain - 2008-03-01

Ah yes that flagrant Libcrat Leftie EvilHomer...

EvilHomer - 2008-03-01

My diabolical plan to replace the United States with a gay Wiccan Nazi-Trotskyist regime was almost successful, too! Curse you, Sandy, for foiling me with a mouthful of piss! But I'll be back! Oh yes, by the blood of the babies I aborted last Sunday when I should have been at church, I SHALL BE BACK!!!

P.S. So Sandy, how's Hillary coming along?

voodoo_pork - 2008-03-01

Let us pray, "I AM EVILHOMER!"

futurebot - 2008-03-01

How do you "expose" something that's always been readily accessible to everyone on the internet?

Cheese - 2008-03-01

We can see your cock.

coprolalia - 2008-03-01


Random_Hajile - 2008-03-01

Heh, she sure showed us. Eh, comrades?

Hugo Gorilla - 2008-03-01

Sorry for doubting your gender in the first video, Sandy.

Love, Hugo "Chavez" Gorilla.

Hooper_X - 2008-03-01


C. Eloi Marx - 2008-03-01

When, Insha'allah brother Hussain Obama wins the upcoming election we will finally have our dream of a North American union; it's mighty highway cutting a swath through the "heartland", bringing with it social equality for all.

Monchiles Monchiles - 2008-03-01

Why did she disable comments for her video? Surely she understands that even though we're liberal commie bastards we respect the rules of engagement.

baleen - 2008-03-01

I wrote her a long time ago asking her about that (before the clips were submitted) and she responded with:

"Sandy Davis does not read the messages that are sent to this channel. The staff might read the messages and are allowed to respond as we see fit. This message does not confirm nor deny anything about Sandy's personal or political life or affiliations.

We will however, tell you that Democrats, Liberals and Communists are the first to claim the compassionate high ground. With that said, any time that a Democrat, liberal or communist attacks a person that may appear disabled, we use those messages to our advantage on other platforms. Everything we do is very carefully planed and executed.

Thank for assisting us with our cause by being condescending, arrogant and attacking, your message is going to great use. If you attached a video response, no one here will view it, you wasted your time.

It is nice to know that we are hitting a raw nerve with you."

There you have it guys. Sandy Davis is part of a massive collaboration by Karl Rovian agents to undermine our Revolution. Stand guard. Initiate Compassionate Agitprop Programme Alpha-Goose-5.

Original Message:

> http://tinyurl.com/2g9mqh
> Why would anyone want to debate you? You're insane.

futurebot - 2008-03-01

I can think of at least one thing they did that wasn't "carefully planed and executed."

Fingasmcgee - 2008-03-02

All I know right now is, Sir you stole my Rick Rill virginity

baleen - 2008-04-12

just don't leave a mess.

wtf japan - 2008-03-01

Assaamu 'alaika, Amerika!!!

kingarthur - 2008-03-01

Well, seems we'll have to rethink those plans for world wide communist democracy, brothers and sisters. However, I'M AN INTERNET STAR! WOOOOOOOOO!

Roachbud - 2008-03-01

People who come to poetv are probably the only people who watch this troll's videos

CornOnTheCabre - 2008-03-01

That and her "staff". Which I assume is one of her 34 spawnlings who are forced to watch her gag her way through a sentence every week or so before they're entitled to their communal bowl of gruel.

Also, being condescending isn't necessarily a bad thing when someone has shown a complete lack of understanding in anything ever. (ie: reading chain letters as if they were official communiques, refusing to acknowledge the existence of irony, everything else she's ever posted)

futurebot - 2008-03-01

She does not have "staff". She is lonely and delusional.

Aelric - 2008-03-01

staff infection? ZING!?

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-03-02

By "Staff" I always presumed she meant the staff at the place where she's being taken care of.

Doctor Arcane - 2008-03-01

I am extremely pissed I am not featured in this video.

I'm wearing this shirt http://www.threadless.com/product/383/The_Communist_Party
right now for christ sake!

Dinky Patterson - 2008-03-01

Dear Sandy,

I was thinking of you when I submitted this video to our Hopper, but it was ultimately rejected by poeTV's politburo--poelitburo, if you will:


Yours truly,


Hooker - 2008-03-01

I don't know about you guys, but I feel something warm and wet on me.

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2008-03-01

i feel something warm and wet IN me

theSnake - 2008-03-01

I can't wait until Obama wins the election, then we can set up a more Socialist/Communist style government, fuck our dogs, smoke weed on the street, subsidize abortion, make Spanish the new national language, and send Republicans to re-education camps to brainwash them into a gay lifestyle.

mr666 - 2008-03-01

Poetv being referenced! Hooray! Abortions and copies of the Koran for all! By the way, Sandy: God isn't real and priests spend all their time fucking children.

Aelric - 2008-03-01


Aelric - 2008-03-01

my oh my, i do believe there blood in the water. what i find great is that she used the mildest part of my comment, not the part where i said that gays should marry, stem cell research was good and god wasn't American.

I proud to be a liberal, sandy. goddamn proud. you just keep doing what you are doing, because it's highly entertaining and it's making up quasi-famous to ourselves.

Aelric - 2008-03-01

sorry to keep replying to myself, but you have no idea how giddy happy i am to see this. i've been laughing for the past three hours.

SolRo - 2008-03-02

Fuck you...all my america hating was ignored!

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-03-02

I'd imagine that getting mentioned first in a video like this would be like being 7 years old on Christmas morning.

You lucky boy.

dead_cat - 2008-03-01

OH NOES, the internet shoggoth doesn't like me.

Vicious - 2008-03-02

I wish I was net-famous :(

glasseye - 2008-03-02

She continues to be a shining example of right-wing stupidity.

glasseye - 2008-03-03

Oh and guess what, she's completely irrelevant too. Simply a fountain of impotent rage. AKA, a typical ignorant conservative.

Crucifried - 2008-03-02

Sandy Davis: Conservative and avid watersports enthusiast.

SolRo - 2008-03-02

I'm offended, I'm like the biggest commie on here and I got no internetz fame :*(

halon - 2008-03-02

Oh shit I need in on this action.

Does somebody have dibs on peeing in her hair? I think I would like that a lot but I don't want to step on anyone's toes, you know? I mean, I think it would be great if my testicles were gently rested across the bridge of her nose while I relieved myself down the back of her scalp--everyone is really missing out if this is not already happening.

uekibachi - 2008-03-02

oh wow. this is great. i was busy pooping on my transsexual satan worshiping boyfriend all week to notice this.

TeenerTot - 2008-03-02


chalk - 2008-03-02

Why the hell does she go to all the trouble of misquoting Syd Midnight when she's got several pages worth of perfectly good insults to choose from?

dead_cat - 2008-03-02

Because she's an idiot bitch. Does she need a better reason?

fatatty - 2008-03-03

I am new to order but I will stand with you against the tyranny of the Republican-Capitalist overlords and their great leader Sandy Davis. Down with America! Down with Bush! May the blood of the Christians flow like rivers through the streets, Allah willing.

Sudan no1 - 2008-03-03

Dear Sandy Davis,

أنا آمل يرى أنت الخطأ من طرقك ويصبح شخص جيّدة قبل أنت قالب من ماذا هو أنت يتلقّى.

Corman's Inferno - 2008-03-12


Xenocide - 2008-03-03

I feel something warm and wet right now. But enough about my penchant for anonymous gay sex. Once Obama is elected it will be mandatory anyway, and will be taught in public schools.

dancingshadow - 2008-03-03

I am offended by those comments, but I'll fight to the death for your right to.. cut them in to a little video... and dems are not my friends ?

wait, what does the last slide of the video even mean ?

Congrats POETV. You've made it.

KnowFuture - 2008-03-05

Somebody on one of the comment things on here was riffing on the Frank Zappa album "Thing Fish" and I was adding to that.

tamago - 2008-03-05

Even though I wasn't included in the quotes, this is still a glorious day for me.

Also, I could have sworn I voted and commented already.

KnowFuture - 2008-03-05


name in lights....

...and words OUT OF CONTEXT.

Mom'd be proud of me.

MasturbationDestination - 2008-03-05

HI MOM! I'm on tv! I mean youtube!

Alektorophobic - 2008-03-06

This would have been better if she'd read each post aloud and then responded by standing and pissing onto the camera.

Janusian Soul - 2008-03-08

I can't wait to tell my brothers in Baal about this at our next virgin sacrifice gathering!

Corman's Inferno - 2008-03-12

Sandy Davis beat a horse to death on the steps of a church.

Keefu - 2009-04-06


grimcity - 2008-03-18

"Do you guys feel something warm and wet on you now?"

Yeah, that's what she said!

(Sandy I mean.)

Anyway, communist party at my house! Tonight we're having Siberian cabbage! Bring a friend and don't forget your papers!

Gwago - 2008-03-24

*Sigh* We ALWAYS have Siberian Cabbage.

Mayberry Pancakes - 2008-03-19

Lady, even us POETV Republicans think you're out of your goddamn mind. Also terrifying and fat.

dr_rock - 2008-04-06

Aw man I am so angry that I saw this just now (4/6/08). I AM A STAR!!! Except that I said nothing close to her distorted quote, which wasn't even very creative and certainly not very hateful. Come on fugly, you can do better than that!

My real quote from http://www.poetv.com/video.php?vid=30553 :

"This site is far from liberal. We hate on everyone, which sounds mostly like a conservative trait. Well, we do love kitties, which is kinda Dem faggy. But we also love blowin-shit-up clips, so there."

Her piss-poor plagiarism:

"We hate on everyone. Well, we also hate kitties, which is kinda Dem faggy. But we also hate fags and lesbians."

Anyone who visits this site knows WE LOVE KITTIES!!! Just ask theFlu / SARS, etc. Do your homework, lady. (It's a lady, right?)

FYI, I am a registered, card-carrying member of the GOP, in a Democratic-leaning state no less. Eat shit. You're making us Republicans look mannish and slightly inbred.

Lindner - 2008-05-27

That's what boggles my mind. Why bother doctoring a comment, when there are so many that are already quote worthy liberal evil.

Stopheles - 2008-05-29


j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-03

Okay, what the hell just happened here? Did I miss something? Who's this Sandy person, and how did she accidentally get mixed up with us? What's her PoE name, who is she?

I have absolutely no references to go on here, what in blazes is going on? All I know so far is that if I want to be a D-List e-Celebrity, I've got to start making the most sarcastic comments I can in the face of conservatives on PoETV.

oogaBooga - 2008-07-17

Youre not missing much J, just a disgruntled womanbeast disabling her youtube comments and butchering quotes for her own twisted ends.

Vicious - 2011-01-05

All three of them!

caseyt - 2008-06-28

wtf was this shit?! What a dumb whore.... doesn't she have anything better to do with her time? Just to add... wtf was up with that music?

fluffy - 2008-07-08

The music totally made it. (>")>

Keefu - 2008-08-05


Woo! Yeah, I'm ready to party~! Poetv is famous.

kingofthenothing - 2008-10-06

If I was that ugly I'd be angry too.

joyofdiscord - 2008-10-08

It's good to see that the POE brand is adapting well to the Web 2.0 climate, and we're growing our crazy revenue enormously.

svraz - 2008-10-30

Ha ha ha! Just saw this for the first time.
I am 2nd comrades!

Cursed Egyptian Sex Toy - 2008-12-25





Cursed Egyptian Sex Toy - 2008-12-25

ekscuse me, where are located the cocks?

they are necessary for sukkink

commandocucumber - 2009-01-02

i wonder what she has to say now that Barack Hussein Obama has won...

mashedtater - 2009-07-18

everytime i see this i love this.

mashedtater - 2009-07-18


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