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Desc:Phillipino Catholicism and schlock combine to create this horrible, wonderful mess. (brief nudity)
Category:Horror, Trailers
Tags:satan, hell, spinning, phillipines, unearthly wonderment
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Comment count is 12
revdrew - 2008-03-02

Not featured: the hero grabbing, bitch slapping, and then tying a live snake in a knot.

http://www.slatev.com/player.html?id=1381682516 (2:20)

Billy the Poet - 2008-03-02

He took having his face ripped off remarkably well, all in all.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-03-02

(sees rock coming, stands right in front of it)


The Great Hippo - 2008-03-02

hey mr. director I think you might have a major spoiler in your title

snothouse - 2008-03-02

Awesome awesome awesome. I was momentarily confused when this video had nothing to do with video games, cats, or slamming creationists, and I thought I had slipped through a wormhole into the past.

cattlesnake - 2008-03-02

I loved this movie, I loved the duel at the end, I loved the effects, I loved the music, I loved making an homage/remake in high school about this movie, I loved renting this movie again and again for at a seedy VHS rental story, this is quite possibly one of the best movies of all time and anyone that disagrees is no friend of mine.

kingarthur - 2008-03-02

If you haven't seen this film, go find it and do yourself a favor. Lando needs your help.

robotkarateman - 2008-03-02

Anything with Paquito Diaz gets 5 stars automatically.

Xenocide - 2008-03-03

How can anyone stop Satan and his incredible power to make people spin?

kingarthur - 2008-03-03

That's not Satan who does that, but the leader of his awful cult. Satan looks a lot like Tom Waits dressed up as satan in the "I Don't Wanna Grow Up" video. For real.

phalsebob - 2008-10-11

This is pretty much how I would make movies if someone financed me.

NovaPolice - 2009-12-29

Holy god it's Filipino Rowsdower and EVERYTHING IS TRYING TO KILL HIM

I'm not complete until I watch this.

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