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Desc:Look at the good I do! Get the hell out of here.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Educational
Tags:Pirate, 80s, Vegine, exercycle, tattooed pets
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Resubmit:Old People

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Comment count is 29
DrVital - 2008-03-05

Now THIS is a dupe.

Scynne - 2008-03-05

This should not be nearly this funny.

also: When you eat, you're just a vacuum with nipples!

keinsignal - 2008-03-05

Starts slow but by the time it gets to "kudos me! I made myself pregnant." it had won me over.

Aubrey McFate - 2008-03-05

That was acting. Thank you.

halon - 2008-03-05

I was getting ready to one star this, then it became awesome

mouser - 2008-03-05


bac - 2008-03-05

so when does it become awesome?

Pillager - 2008-03-05

When she instructed the dog to run the camcorder.

mouser - 2008-03-06

"My shirt just threw up on my head."

Just about there.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-03-05

funny it is not.

Camonk - 2008-03-05

Get the hell out. I'm a pirate.

Hooker - 2008-03-05

That's the Al Bundy household.

RandomFerret - 2008-03-05

Can't breathe... too funny...

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-03-05

As long as I don't cry or bleed, I'll do it. (butt peel sounds)

RockBolt - 2008-03-05

I'm a pirate

revdrew - 2008-03-06

They keep growing in your stomach. And they make you puhffy.

baleen - 2008-03-06

this comes up when you search for brenda.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-03-06

then I guess searching for videos works dumbass

ChocFullOfFunk - 2008-03-06


RockBolt - 2008-03-06

The versions up already don't have this particular audio track...

baleen - 2008-03-06

as in it's a fucking dupe that was submitted 2 years ago.

keinsignal - 2008-03-07

you are rather slow on the uptake.

dancingshadow - 2008-03-06

The little speech impediment makes it.

boner - 2008-03-06

Sounds like a lazy Cher impersonator

indierockbird - 2008-03-08

I never met a carrot I didn't like. Except for THIS ONE.

athodyd - 2008-03-10

Get the hell out of here. I'm a pirate.

Twitch - 2008-03-11

It really gets good about the time you watch it for the fifth time in a row. With ketamine.

Black Napkins - 2008-03-12

"I've even had to underline it!"


RockBolt - 2013-03-02

(part 1)

(part 2 - the one originally posted here) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkD1BFEawGI

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