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Desc:Jing Wu with a sword vs Sammo Hung with a Festivus pole
Category:Classic Movies, Stunts
Tags:Fatal Move, Jing Wu, Sammo Hung
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Comment count is 12
j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-05-16

I smell a new theme week!

Five for "Festivus pole."

dancingshadow - 2008-05-16

Festivus came early !!

GuyCorngood - 2008-05-16

Would this be the airing of grievances or the feats of strength?

Camonk - 2008-05-16

True statistic: If you call a fat Chinese guy Sammo Hung, you have a one in three chance in being right. But that's not true if you're talking about a Chinese-American dude; many of them are fat. Also Sammo Hung is not Chinese-American.

SecretJunk - 2008-05-16

Further statoid: no real chinese dude has hair like either of them

GuyCorngood - 2008-05-16

Sammo Hung is the greatest fatty who ever lived.

AgentOrange - 2008-05-16

Fuck yeah! The only other fat dude who kicks this much ass is John Candy in Uncle Buck.

dueserpenti - 2008-05-16

If the Hong Kong Opera stars ever got tired of being rich and famous and decided to take over the world, none of us could stop them.

zatojones - 2008-05-23

provided they got wires and lots of reshoots

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-05-17

Let off some steam, Bennet.

Camonk - 2008-06-05

That reference was the only reason Arnold ever said that line.

mysterycar - 2008-05-17

The blood gushing from the end of the festivus pole at the end was a nice touch

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