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Desc:Seriously, mute the audio before he starts the engine, or your speakers might blow.
Category:Nature & Places, Educational
Tags:Camera, new york, RC plane, Incredible noise
Submitted:Beyonce Knowles
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Comment count is 7
takewithfood - 2008-09-18

I love how cameras depict the center of the sun as a black spot, as if to say "fuck off, it's really bright, okay?"

Shaky, but pretty cool footage. +1 for warning us about the volume

bopeton - 2008-09-18

Thanks for the warning about the sound.

Pretty cool; something I've never seen before. Doesn't make me want to kill anybody. Five stars.

robotkarateman - 2008-09-18

This was actually a lot cooler than I expected it to be.

+4 stars because this dude's now on the terrist watch list.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2008-09-18

minus one for 'not spectacular enough', yet still awesome

i'm also amazed how easy it is to land

zatojones - 2008-09-19

When you don't have to worry about killing anyone inside of the airplane by slamming it down onto the ground landing is a lot easier

chumbucket - 2008-09-19

cool use of a camera but got old about a minute into the flight

major-_-turnon - 2008-09-19

Note: Do yourself a BIG FAVOR and watch the first 30 seconds or so, then skip to about 3:25. Soon after this point the engine cuts off and he starts gliding down, which is a much smoother and more interesting sequence, with some tricks when he gets low enough to tell which way the plane is facing.

(Keep your volume down, though, he fires the engine up again later).

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