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Desc:Oh 90s, only you would merge Sprite, Fat Joe, Mack 10, and a classic anime for marketing purposes.
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Classic TV Clips
Tags:Rap, Anime, voltron, Fat Joe, playa hate
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Comment count is 8
Xenocide - 2008-10-29

I really don't think Sprite played a decisive role in their victory. Although the guy in the red lion did refer to the soft drink as "my nurse." Good for him.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-10-29

They probably would've defeated their enemy sooner if they hadn't been so focused on rapping about Sprite.

Urburos - 2008-10-29

Why don't they ever just meet up in one place at the very beginning and start out as the giant asskicking robot? Better yet, just never ever disassemble. Park it that way.

Hooper_X - 2008-10-29

Rapping and Ro-Beasts sounds like one of those D&D knockoff games that came out in the mid-80s to capitalize on it. Tunnels and Trolls or Malls and Morons or whatever.

UnderANeonHalo - 2008-10-29

I wish NWA had done an 8 ball commercial like this.

The McK - 2008-10-29

Why is this not an actual Power Rangers-style series?

DMKA - 2008-10-29

I've always wondered this myself.

The Mothership - 2013-01-08


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