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Comment count is 5
snothouse - 2008-11-04

Bit of a tonal change around the halfway mark.

buttnutt - 2008-11-04

That's some great music.

BillFisto - 2008-11-04

This movie is great because the main character is named "Raimi", and all his lines are dubbed over by Bruce Campbell.

Testicles of Doom - 2008-11-04

My wife bought me this as a gift, and it was a lucky coincidence that it had Bruce Campbell and was produced by Sam Raimi.

What it lacks in budget, it more than makes up for in charm.

Raoul Duke 138 - 2008-11-04

I have been a fan of this terrible film since high school. Basically every character in the movie is named after a horror icon (Raimi, Savini, Romero, Etc). The extras on the DVD include a documentary that illustrated just how difficult it is to make a terrible horror film when you're a talentless idiot with no money or resources but lots of ambition and time.

Also contains the single best sound effect known to man: the noise a zombie makes while riding on the hood of a 1980's domestic sedan. I can't describe the sound; you'll just have to watch the movie.

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