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Desc:Now featuring two minutes of uplifting voiceover, plus real black people!
Category:Arts, Horror
Tags:Barack Obama, yes we can, plate, now featuring black people
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Comment count is 13
Caminante Nocturno - 2008-11-22

Same guy looking to the Obama plate for reassurance. I wonder what he was writing that he needed Obama Plate's help.

"Thanks to Obama Plate, I have the confidence to finish this application to Best Buy!"

halon - 2008-11-22

He can now write to his home owner's association about the sketchy black neighbors that moved in, since racism is over now

heyitslozeau - 2008-11-22

why plates? why have people decided to commemorate things on plates? why?

chumbucket - 2008-11-22

so you can break them in a violent ritual if your expectations are dashed

baleen - 2008-11-22

I remember the days when I was child, sitting at the dinner table with my little sister and talking about plates. I'm buying this. Not just because Barack Obama is the first African American president, but because of what these memories mean to me.

revdrew - 2008-11-22

You know, the whole Obama winning thing hadn't really sunk in, until just now. Thank you, Obama Plate.

The McK - 2008-11-22

In America nothing is real until it has a plate.

prang - 2008-11-22

I would eat off this thing. Nothing is more uplifting than seeing Barack Obama's smiling face gradually emerging from under my tuna casserole.

sliggy - 2008-11-22

We went out to eat last night, and there was a big tv on the wall playing CNN. This commercial came on, and everybody stopped, stared, and laughed. It was brilliant. I want one now, but my husband refuses to spend money on it.

cognitivedissonance - 2008-11-22

Of course, they had to choose the one photo of Obama where he looks like Bambi.

whensaidthemoon - 2008-11-22

Five stars for the two kids having a conversation with the plate between them. Presumably about the plate itself.

hammsangwich - 2010-10-08

What if I don't have a curio case? GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDAMNIT!

The Mothership - 2016-04-20

Remember, plates without certificates of authenticity may be counterfeit.

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