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Comment count is 4
Lauritz Melchior - 2008-12-20

The piece is actually quite varied in its many sections. There's the beginning drone, a beautiful blues section, a motivically driven discordant atonal section and a recapitulation with brings all parts together.

Winnsboro Cotton Mill blues was originally a union laborer's protest song.

In my mind, this piece programmatically depicts the conflict between man and machine.

Desidiosus - 2008-12-20

I liked it.

I'm curious, though.. why are you giving justifications for it? I'm not slagging you off here. I mean, if people don't like it, fuck 'em.

Lauritz Melchior - 2008-12-21

I wanted to preempt some who might not give it a listen based upon the first few seconds. I don't think that the first section would be good as a standalone (though in relation to the rest and as part of the whole it is brilliant) and if somebody assumed that the full ten minutes was like that they might not put forth the effort to watch.

If they do watch and don't like it, that's totally fine.

I'm glad that you liked it, though.

godot - 2008-12-21

I do need to investigate Rzewski. If you like the drone bit and want to see what can be done with that in the long form, check out Le Monte Young's "The Well-Tuned Piano" for piano in just intonation.

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