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Comment count is 23
robotkarateman - 2009-01-24

This looks awesome, but I have this uncontrollable urge to be a dick and 1-star any video that gets 5-starred by its submitter.

baleen - 2009-01-25

that's really pretty dicky and stupid.

robotkarateman - 2009-01-25

You're absolutely right. 5-starring your own submissions IS dicky and stupid.

Jack Dalton - 2009-01-25

I thought the rating system pertained to the content of a video. Guess that was a dicky and stupid assumption.

Stupid Lisa Garbage Face - 2009-01-25

I have to 5 star it without even watching just to offset idiots like you.

robotkarateman - 2009-01-25

Jack, ignore me. As I said, I'm being a dick just for the fun of it. As far as I know there's nothing in the rules about voting for your own clips, and anything from Troma deserves love.

Syd Midnight - 2009-01-25

Rating your own videos is stupid and classless because why would you submit anything besides 5 stars? But you gotta rate the video not the submitter.

Camonk - 2009-01-25

Jesus. Look, it's not like Poet V has high standards or anything like that. But, I mean, fuck you man. Even if we had standards, one-starring a video that is awesome because the submitter hasn't quite gotten into the swing of things is definitely below them.

snothouse - 2009-01-25

This place has gotten really sensitive.

snothouse - 2009-01-25

"This place" meaning MY DICK.

KnowFuture - 2009-01-24


Comeuppance - 2009-01-24


Meerkat - 2009-01-24

It's the Movie Announcer guy from Junior High School!

Slumgullion - 2009-01-25

From the producers of Troma's classic "Rabid Grannies."

pastorofmuppets - 2009-01-25


snothouse - 2009-01-25

Not as top-notch as most.

Species - 2009-01-25

iii lovelovelovelooooooove Troma

ProfessorChaos - 2009-01-25

Their Guns are Sterile!
Their bodies are fertile!
Escape is Futile!

Who writes this wonderful shlock?

Desidiosus - 2009-01-25

A thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters.

chumbucket - 2009-01-25

it's a sensitive tale

Rovin - 2009-01-26

"Cruel dominatrix Ilsa's diabolical plans."

Five right there.

goat - 2009-04-08

Why are the cruel dominatrices always named Ilsa?

jimmicampkin - 2011-11-18

I reviewed this film for badmovies.org. It was a painful experience.

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