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Desc:I suppose if it's safe enough for the Tyra Banks show, it's SFW.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Short Films
Tags:Gem, Is truly outrageous!, squashing, opposite of erotic
Submitted:Jack Dalton
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Comment count is 17
kennydra - 2009-03-11


James Woods - 2009-03-11

Life changing.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-03-11

This is not excitement or adventure, glamor or glitter, fashion or fame.

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-03-11

How can a beast that large have breasts so small? That is the question scientists should be asking.

spikestoyiu - 2009-03-11

Can you imagine not only being a great big fat person, but lacking the one possibly positive aspect to being a great big fat person?

Good thing they've got all that food to comfort them.

Urburos - 2009-03-11

Apparently no one on the tyra banks show noticed the wangdangular sticking out at the beginning of the video.

mouser - 2009-03-11

F*ck YOU for making me notice that. Gah!

kennydra - 2009-03-11

what the hell is wrong with me that i went back and watched again to see that?

TeenerTot - 2009-03-11

Huh? There's no--OH MY EYES!

fermun - 2009-03-12


JimL2 - 2009-03-15

Jesus I thought that was the drawstring of his pants. Jesus.

dancingshadow - 2009-03-11

Did I just black out... oh look a video...

dancingshadow - 2009-03-11

When did I write that? what the hell is going on here... oh look a video...

boner - 2009-03-11

Thank you for using tags that don't link to anything, so nobody will ever have to watch this again.

The Mothership - 2009-03-11


Lauritz Melchior - 2009-03-11

We're going to be reading about them on the POE-news mainpage when he suffers a heart attack and a broken rib.

Honkykong - 2009-03-12

I'm so frightened. Somebody hold me. Somebody under 160 lbs or so.

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