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Desc:Germs frontman busted for GBH possession. Also semi-unrelated soap testing.
Category:Educational, Crime
Tags:The Germs, GBH, Dr. Bronners
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Comment count is 4
Robert DeNegro - 2009-03-26

Feh! Don was the drummer. Darby would have had jar of quaaludes in that situation -if he wasn't so dead, that is.

poopskin - 2009-03-27

yeah this whole thing makes the Germs sound like a really wussy band, which they were definitely not

poopskin - 2009-03-27

however, big ups to Dr. Bronner's Soap. They are based out of California but Milwaukee Wisconsin is where his son lives. I used to work at this old indie movie theatre there, every now and then the owner would come in and tip us like 40 bucks a piece and give us a whole bunch of his soaps.

Menudo con queso - 2009-03-27

However, there's no such thing as a ponytail man with that much chemistry knowledge who hasn't put his skills to work for those who do get high.

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