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Comment count is 11
Koda Maja - 2009-04-05

So many 'splosions.

Camonk - 2009-04-05

Oh shit. Complete lack of discipline AND a dead son? That's a lot of character development for Dolph to keep up with.

IrishWhiskey - 2009-04-05

Thank you for the title. I actually thought this movie was called "Minesweeper" when watching the trailer, and that made it so much better.

Man Who Fights Like Woman - 2009-04-05

HOLY SHIT. HE THREW THE MINE LIKE A NINJA STAR AND THEN IT BLEW UP. I must now find this movie and watch it for a week straight.

Chibisuke - 2009-04-05

Holy shit, this is a real movie?

TweakThaNurples - 2009-04-05

YES, this advert came on during wrestling... it's going to be on MYNETWORK tv this Thursday I think.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-04-05

Why did you bring your son into a land mine-infested war zone? And why did you dress him up as a tomboyish girl? Come on, man! Think before you act!

TheKingOfPants - 2009-04-05

This is the greatest plot for an action movie possible. Also, it is on Netflix Watch Instantly.

Grace Mugabe - 2009-04-05

I've seen it, it's shit.

Hay Belly - 2009-04-05

Um, Grace honey, I don't think anyone here thought this movie would be good, ok? Thanks though.

Grace Mugabe - 2009-04-19

It's shit by the standards of shit, you ridiculous faggot

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