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Desc:he is enjoying that cricket like its a canapé at a cocktail party
Category:Nature & Places, Educational
Tags:Cricket, om nom nom, primate, tarsier, kobold maki
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Comment count is 14
mouser - 2009-05-10

It doesn't appreciate the crunchy parts. :-(

Dinanukht - 2009-05-10

I think Mother Nature ran out of ideas and started ripping off animals from the D&D Monster Manual. That is the only explanation I have for this.

La Loco - 2009-05-10

It's so cute!

Lurchi - 2009-05-10

It's buggin' out.

fatatty - 2009-05-10

FAKE! I can't believe you idiots think this is real. This is a viral video for George Lucas's next movie about Ewok babies.

wtf japan - 2009-05-10

Look, I'm sure it's delicious. I just don't understand why we can't see Yoda now.

namtar - 2009-05-10

It's really not aliens abducting people. It's the time traveling decedents of Tarsiers who are giving people anal probes.

RockBolt - 2009-05-10


biclops - 2009-05-10

Kobold Maki is the worst thing I've ever seen on a sushi menu

fredfrankel - 2009-05-10

I love the way he holds it, like a gay art critic at a gallery opening

Witty_Pop_Culture_Reference - 2009-05-11

If only I could train an army of them to lust for human flesh.

Witty_Pop_Culture_Reference - 2009-05-11

Also, train them possibly to eat people.

Dr Dim - 2009-05-11

Delicious, of course, but it can't come near those simply ethereal locusts they do at that little place near the creek.

Jeriko-1 - 2009-07-08

OH! What a Horrid Little Monkey!

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