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Desc:The only clip I could find of this awful Karate Kid rip-off is dubbed in french. Sorry fellas!
Category:Fashion, Horror
Tags:Karate, nunchucks, Tiger Heart, sweet tank-top/sweater combo
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Comment count is 10
StanleyPain - 2009-05-18

The French dub makes it.

retrocious - 2009-05-18

Only the french dub makes that kid's sweater believable.

sosage - 2009-05-18

He totally hit that pastry like...kapwow!

Camonk - 2009-05-18

I thought only girls--dumb girls--wore the tank top and torn-necked sweater.

ragebots - 2009-05-18

That sweater commands respect!

athodyd - 2009-05-18

even that guys voice is oily

also christ is there anything more boring than watching some guy mess around with nunchucks

dementomstie - 2009-05-19

I'm really confused about the number of guys in that mini-mart. At first I thought it was just the tough guy and his thug, but then there seem to be two back up thugs, who kind of just stepped out from behind the camera?
Being in French does make this clip that much more enjoyable though.

Nikon - 2009-05-19

The player is really good so the game is adjusting the difficulty by adding more thugs.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-05-20

Well that would explain the soundtrack.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-06-04

Is he going undercover as a middle-aged woman who does aerobics? His entire look is aimed for that.

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