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Desc:Feeble kid shyly tapes himself ninja-ing. Think Star Wars kid, à la Akira Kurosawa.
Category:Stunts, Educational
Tags:ninja, not a cat, feeble, shy, accidental release of embarrassing moments
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Comment count is 11
Toenails - 2009-05-23

Ninja push-ups...

...then REVERSE Ninja push-ups!!!

Lauritz Melchior - 2009-05-24


Hi (I assume you are) French Ninja.

I've seen once, maybe more, of your flailings in the woods and had to check out your channel. I really enjoyed the great forward roll over you uploaded last month!

I'm thinking, "How can it be that your channel has only 4 subscribers?" (Now it has 5.) Your talent, and all the work you've done developing it, deserve a larger group of fans.

As you can see from my channel, I am a high school ninja teacher who is practicing to make my fingers work again at death grips after an almost 40 year period when I "had no time" to practice. I have even less time lately to practice, but I decided it is essential, and I am making the time anyway. I teach high school full time days and community college full time evenings. It helps that the college rents my high school classroom and shop to run my night classes. Since my normal work day is from before 7am until almost 10 pm, most of my practice is on the weekends in between lesson planning for the following week.

Now that you've completed your ninja training, and now that it's the end of a normal school year, do I correctly assume you are graduating? Is so, what are your dreams, and what do you plan for the future?

I'm hoping you'll be able to upload more action onto your channel. I'll be watching for them.

A New French Ninja fan,
Lauritz Melchior

p.s. Don't worry - I may be an old man, but never a "dirty old man." I never write or present anything less than fully friendly, ethical, moral, and/or professional. (Even if I was tempted to, it would, and should, instantly ruin my career.)

The Lord of Dirt - 2009-05-24


Also, ninja is a good career choice for shy people.

dementomstie - 2009-05-24

I never thought of that. It's the perfect combination of "I don't want to be seen" and "You can't see me".
Why did I waste all those years trying to improve my social skills when I could have been learning how to be a ninja?

8bitwintermute - 2009-05-24

bless him, he's like the ninja equivalent of the maginot line

jangbones - 2009-05-24

the maginot line laughs at this kid

mouser - 2009-05-24

Though they both get taken from behind.

Hooper_X - 2009-05-24

Star Wars Kid's continental cousin.

spikestoyiu - 2009-05-24

I can't believe you guys fell for this.

AgentOrange - 2009-05-24

No way, that kid is not a good enough actor to pull this off.

Blaise - 2009-05-24

Needs ACTING! tag.

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