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Desc:mildly continuity-based highlight reel of schizo movie about man vs. the nadir of '90s special fx
Category:Classic Movies, Horror
Tags:split, impressionistic bmxing, oscillations, blinking dots, chris shaw
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Comment count is 7
UmbilicalFiend - 2009-06-05

oh, i get it

retrocious - 2009-06-05

"What you're saying may be incomprehensible and boring, but that doesn't make it true."

fluffy - 2009-06-05

Needs "Video Toaster fetishism" tag.

Do you have coffee?

StanleyPain - 2009-06-05

OH MAN I rented this years and years ago when it hit VHS.
SUrprisingly entertaing for some weird, no-budget attempt at....something.

It had something to do with some guy trying to dump a chemical into the water supply of the city to "wake people up" out of some kind of mind control Matrix thing.

Corman's Inferno - 2009-06-06

That's basically what it is - The Matrix, but 10 years earlier, and with a healthy dose of chaos theory instead of hamfisted religious symbolism (the scriptwriter/director/editor/actor/etc. Chris Shaw was a mathematics professor). Shaw didn't do anything else in film for the next 20 years.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-06-05

Wall of Patrick Stewarts

Common Artifact Creature

5 to cast


Big Muddy - 2011-02-10

Just country boys and girls gettin down on the farm.

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