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Comment count is 10
Rum Revenge - 2009-08-17

No, stop! Don't go in that do - OH NO IT'S THE FAAAACE!

I love this game. Didn't realize that KyuKyu-kun makes your TV flicker when you wake up.

jyrque - 2009-08-17

Eh, it's still not Uboa.


Tuan Jim - 2009-08-17

The ending to the game is in the related links.

Holy shit, it's just what you'd imagine a super fucked up Japanese man would have a little girl do after spending time in nightmare land.

Well, maybe not what YOU would imagine, but it's probably on your list of what he'd do.

Camonk - 2009-08-17

If that were a video here, I'd definitely one-star it because holy shit the guy playing it won't shut his stupid maiden-voiced mouth already.

But uh yeah that was on my list of things that might have happened.

Dr. Lobotomy - 2009-08-17

If it's says "Let's Play:" you can typically know ahead of time that you'll wish you could rip the narrator's tongue out.

It's too bad too since the good ones like Ulillillia and a scant few tolerable others get buried under pile of other me-too wannabes and their shitty "Let's Play" vids.

Goofy Gorilla - 2009-08-17

Poop hair.

pressed peanut sweepings - 2009-08-17

This game makes me feel like I'm home.

Deplorable - 2009-08-18

Auto-five for Yume Nikki.

poorwill - 2009-08-18

I couldn't get this to work on my machine, because I am a tremendous spaz. And now I can't find the damn file. Will have to dl it again. Because this is awesome.

Keefu - 2009-08-18

Did you try looking around for the English version with the installer.

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