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Desc:Jack Webb presents a fanciful tale of YOUR HOMETOWN taken over by THE RED MENACE
Category:Short Films, None
Tags:60s, communism, Russians, Jack Webb, 1962
Submitted:Busby Berkeley
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Comment count is 5
Keefu - 2009-12-04

Gosh darn you, Freedom. Disappearing on me like that.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-12-04

The executioner tuned out about halfway through Jerry's speech. He pulled the trigger entirely by accident.

eatenmyeyes - 2009-12-04

george waGGner

Syd Midnight - 2009-12-04

Oh man I remember being told that the USSR had fake American towns where their spies and sleeper agents could practice subversion, and sometimes they'd kidnap an American and put them in the town to see if it would fool them. People believed whatever weird shit anyone made up about the USSR, as long as it was evil. I wonder what stories they told about us.

glasseye - 2009-12-05

I bet he'll attend those gosh darn meetings now.

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