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Desc:The latest from LilNiceWolf. As always, read the YouTube description and comments.
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Arts
Tags:music, meow, bark, LilNiceWolf, amazing lip sync
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Comment count is 16
Frank Rizzo - 2009-12-09

5 for the title

La Loco - 2009-12-09

Can I has explanation as to what is wrong with the creator of this video?

RocketBlender - 2009-12-10

Seriously. Why are you here? This isn't lolcats.

themilkshark - 2009-12-10

psh who refers to jokes anyway

minimalist - 2009-12-09

LilNiceWolf is the king of YT comment judo


gannandork0 (1 week ago)

wow gay

LilNiceWolf (1 week ago)

Gay? WOW!!!

Time Travel Mishap - 2009-12-09

I tried to read the description on youtube but gave up somewhere around the part where he started to forage for berries instead of going back home for food. I don't think i have ever seen a description that long before on youtube.

Syd Midnight - 2009-12-10

The strange thing is that the more you read, the saner he gets. He has a coherent story behind every video, his presentation is just amazingly weird.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-12-09

This video has to have broken something by now; someone's mind, federal laws, SOMETHING HAS BEEN BROKEN by this video.

fluffy - 2009-12-11

The creator's own mind, I think.

Ursa_minor - 2009-12-09

I should have known.

boner - 2009-12-09

This is what happens when your whole country gets broadband.

baleen - 2009-12-09

still golden, lilnicewolf..


RocketBlender - 2009-12-10

I've really got to stop second guessing myself. I saw this on YT and figured it was too out there to submit. How wrong I was...

Syd Midnight - 2009-12-10

If you submitted every good Lilnicewolf video you'd have to submit about 50 of them.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-12-10

This is a difficult song to sing along to.

Especially the cat's lyrics.

punch drunk babies - 2009-12-11

tobituner (2 months ago) Show Hide


LilNiceWolf (2 months ago) Show Hide

You forgot to turn the sound on!

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