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Comment count is 15
chairsforcheap - 2010-01-19

oh my god this is straight out of EIT but it's real...

chairsforcheap - 2010-01-19

oh man i love the tha sugah rain tag

Raggamuffin - 2010-01-19


cognitivedissonance - 2010-01-19

ABC is the network that time forgot, they still get away with this shit.

Frank Rizzo - 2010-01-19

this is why we cant have nice things.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-01-19

This helped them to become billionaires.

Smellvin - 2010-01-19

No wonder child stars are so fucked up. If I had this in my past, I'd strongly consider evacuating my brains from my skull to make up for it.

Rev. Blackson Pollock - 2010-01-19

This is why the terrorists aren't the only ones that hate us.

Camonk - 2010-01-19

Oh great now this is gonna be stuck in my head all day long. Everyone in this video is worse than Pol Pot.

TeenerTot - 2010-01-19

On many levels.

charmlessman - 2010-01-19

In an effort to stay at this weight, this marks the last time either of them ever at peanut butter.

stage - 2010-01-19

Immediately after He saw this, God created peanut allergies.

nemeses9 - 2010-01-19

I actually remember seeing this on television back when I was like five.

It wasn't any better then.

joyofdiscord - 2010-01-19

Insufferable. Is there any way America's Funniest People didn't represent the absolute low point of American television? Goons degrading themselves in malls, shameless crossover advertisement, a complete lack of dignity for all involved.

klingerbgoode - 2010-02-21

i knew a guy who would sing this every day in high school. that audience is going ballistic. it's things like this that make me proud to be an american.

1:45 to 1:50 is the most evil thing on poetv.

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