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Desc:Showcasing the magnificant acting in this 80s slasher epic.
Category:Classic Movies, Horror
Tags:80s, slasher, ACTING!, Don Go Out In The Woods, inappropriate credits song
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Comment count is 9
IrishWhiskey - 2010-01-24

The sides of blunt twigs WILL CUT YOU WIDE OPEN!

tamago - 2010-01-24

I like how the dude with the handgun kept his threats to the monster PG.

MagickPoultry - 2010-01-24

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry

Ha ha. I just saw this movie three days ago.

Caminante Nocturno - 2010-01-25

I love the way the girl starts yelling "NO!" at 4:43 as if she were exasperated.

Charles - 2010-01-25

Jesus. That woman had some serious trouble with the van's doors. There's two doors: close one, then close the other. I will give you two tries to figure out the order.

Also, I love how you can pinpoint exactly what the director tells them and when.
"Be startled! Now be sad! Now the realization that he's dead hits you! Be sad again, and afraid!

Rosebeekee - 2010-01-25

"The mountains are crawling with fat women huffing up hillsides, nerdy bird-watchers, and young couples, most of whom meet gruesome ends at the hands of a deranged and growling woodsman with a sharp spike." -Wikipedia article on this movie.

I'm curious to know what makes Angie Brown so special?

chumbucket - 2010-01-25

wow is the whole movie overdubbed? good god

Innocent Bystander - 2010-01-25

Oh, Dick!

It's... dick.

tamago - 2010-01-25

Dick and Cherry. 'Nuff said.

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