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Desc:The choice is up to you. As long as it's Kennedy.
Category:Classic TV Clips, News & Politics
Tags:JFK, campaign, kennedy, ay bobby, see you gentlemen later
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Comment count is 11
Knuckles - 2010-02-18

This could have just as easily been an ad for gum or something.


The Townleybomb - 2010-02-18

This adds a whole new dimension to the first season of "Mad Men".

fermun - 2010-02-18

I like the bit at 1:04 where they brush off the whole being a Catholic thing. Makes you want to live in a day where "it doesn't matter what religion the guy is" would be the end of the argument. Then again, that was just Christians scared about another branch of Christian.

Knuckles - 2010-02-18

Yeah, even in the 1960s there would have been a stir over electing a half-breed muslin like Obama

positively - 2010-02-18

Well, that was the Kennedy camp's argument. Remember that his Catholicism was HUGE issue in the election and that Kennedy won by one of the smallest margins in history.

HankFinch - 2010-02-18

In ferris bueller's day off Cameron references this when they're at the ballgame

boner - 2010-02-18

Everything in that movie points to Cameron being about 35 years old.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2010-02-18

I could really go for some Kennedy right about now.

akinskirage - 2010-02-18

What was that name again?

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2010-02-18

I banged out a chick named Kennedy once. It was okay, but I wasnt out writing songs about it.

klingerbgoode - 2010-02-18

that girl from mtv?

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